Did you know?

Did you know that up to 30% of the U.S. population suffers from dry eye? The reality is they know they should drink more water, but have difficulty practicing it. Dry Eye Drink is a unique doctor-designed product for dry eye suffers.
What is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a very common disease, with a prevalence of up to 75% in some groups. Left untreated, dry eye can progress and significantly affect your daily life. Meibomian gland disease (MGD) is the most common form of dry eye and has been shown to affect 86% of patients with dry eyes. Dry eyes […]
Bruder Exclusive Licensor of The Dry Eye Drink

First and Only Ophthalmic Anti-Inflammatory Hyper-Hydrating Drink
Dry Eye and Glaucoma

Receiving a glaucoma diagnosis and getting used to using eye drops regularly can be hard to get used to, especially if the medication makes your eyes feel dry, itchy, or uncomfortable. If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone–50-60% of glaucoma patients have or develop dry eye syndrome during glaucoma treatment, and the risk increases with […]